Awaaz mahotsav World Cup Cricket 2011 Special Song
आज मीरपुर में भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम विश्व कप पर २८ सालों बाद बेहद मजबूती के साथ अपनी दावेदारी पेश करने उतरेगी....आज पूरा देश उन्हें शुभकामनाएँ दे रहा है. दोस्तों क्रिकेट हमारे देश में किसी धर्म से कम नहीं है, और विश्व कप उन खास मौकों में से एक है जब पूरा देश एक सूत्र में बंध जाता है, सब एक दूसरे से बस यही पूछते नज़र आते है -"स्कोर क्या है ?". जब जीत हार एक खेल से बढ़ कर कुछ हो जाए, जब करोड़ों धड़कनों की दुआ बस एक हो जाए, तो छाना लाजमी ही है - जीत का जूनून. इसी जीत के जज्बे को सलाम करने उतरे हैं आज हिंद युग्म के कुछ नए तो कुछ तजुर्बेकार सिपाह सलार...वहाँ मैदाने जंग में जब भारत के ११ खिलाड़ी अपने हुनर का दम लगायेंगें वहीं करोड़ों दर्शक एक सुर में गायेंगें....क्या ? अरे घबराईये नहीं, हम लाये हैं एक ऐसा गीत जो २ अप्रैल तक हर क्रिकेट प्रेमी की जुबान पे होगा, हर मैच से पहले और बाद में हर कोई बस यही गुनगुनाएगा...."ठोंक दे किल्ली टीम इंडिया"...आपके शब्दों को सुरों में ढाल कर आज हिंद युग्म गर्व से पेश करता है टीम इंडिया को शुभकामनाएँ देता ये दमदार गीत, जिसके माध्यम से आज हिंद युग्म परिवार में जुड रहे कुछ बेहद नए मगर प्रतिभाशाली संगीतकर्मी.....
गीत के बोल -
जोश भी है, होश भी है हबीब,
हौंसले भी बुलंद है,
मांग अपनी खैर मेरे रकीब,
दिन अब तेरे चंद है,
निकले हैं धुन में,
हम जियाले नौजवाँ,
मैदाने जंग है ये खेल नहीं,
ठोंक दे किल्ली, टीम इंडिया ओ ओ ओ,
गाढ़ दे बल्ला, come on india lets go...,
छा ने दे - जीत का जूनून
स स स स सुनो नगाड़े, किला हिला दो बढ़ो चलो,
च च च च चलो दहाड़े, किला हिला दो बढ़ो चलो,
विजय तिरंगा फहराना है, किला हिला दो बढ़ो चलो,
है करोड़ों उम्मीदें तुमसे....हार के पंजों से,
जीत को, छीन लो,
नाम हमारे हो फ़तेह,
ठान लो,
एक से एक मिले तो हों ग्यारह, ग्यारह हो हमारा, (means 2011 should belongs to us)
देश का यही है आज नारा,
ठोंक दे किल्ली, टीम इंडिया ओ ओ ओ,
गाढ़ दे बल्ला, come on india lets go...,
मेकिंग ऑफ़ "जीत का जूनून" - गीत की टीम द्वारा
ईश्वर रविशंकर: An idea.. conceived... endeavored... now delivered...
The song started of from the brain-cells of AK Deepesh who came up with the thought of making a song to cheer the Indian Cricket Team for this World Cup. The very thought was vibrant and struck a chord with every one on our team.
We embarked on this project a month back when Sajeev Sarathie penned some fantastic lines off his mind. Sajeev speaking for this song was a masterstroke for us since Sajeev, a being cricket enthusiast himself was obviously thrilled at the thought amd did not just stop with passionate writing but also went out of his way to help us throughout the song.
Once the lyrics and the melody were in place, we started off with the groove design with Manoj at the helm. Needless to say, the amazing drummer that he is, he nailed it! With the basic framework now in place, we started off on arrangements & programming and from there on it was a process of evolution set in motion.
This was also the first time we got the chance to work with Kuhoo Gupta (thanks to Sajeev Bhaiya). Have always been a great fan of her singing and working with her was ever better than we had ever imagined. Versatility, speed and a thorough professional attitude describe her the best (not to mention amazingly cheery all the time). She finished off her portions in no time and proved to be such a value add to our team!
Tara Balakrishnan who has almost always been a part of our projects worked her magic in the very last minute with some breath-taking harmonies and super-expressive singing.
With Anup Menon - The Guitarist on the team, there could obviously be no dearth for energy. He played an active part in the song offering suggestions and improvisations most of which when incorporated improve the song.
I didn't have to go far in searching for the male lead, Deepesh being an amazing singer himself. Apart from singing the lead, Deepesh stayed up while making the song right from Day 1 and this song is as much his baby as mine.
Two people who stood by us no matter what deserve a special mention. Baba Vijay and Vinod Venugopal are not only the ones behind the video for the song and the teaser but also the right catalyst charging us up when the chips were down!
Balamurali Balu is another friend we would like to thank for his guidance throughout.
Last but not the least, we thank all our friends (active and passive) who have motivated us, kept us on our toes, criticized for improvements and helped us through out the promotions from the day the teaser was out!
Jeet Ka Junoon required a junoon of our own since we did have a lot of hurdles jump across (what with lack of a proper funding to execute a project so ambitious, etc) but it finally proved to worth all our efforts.
We sure had a blast working together and hope you will too, when you listen!
सजीव सारथी: मैं कुछ ऐसा करना चाहता था इस वर्ल्ड कप के लिए पर जिन संगीतकारों के साथ जिद के साथ ऐसा गीत करने को कह सकता था, वो सब यहाँ वहाँ व्यस्त थे. तभी एक दिन ईश्वर का मेल आया, ईश्वर ने मेरे लिखे एक गीत की (मुरली वेंकट के लिए) की अर्रेंजमेंट की थी, जब ईश्वर ने कहा उसके एक मूल धुन पर गीत लिखना है तो मुझे लगा कि कोई दूसरे तरह का गीत होगा, पर जब अगली मेल में उसने लिखा कि ये गीत वर्ल्ड कप के लिए है तो मुझे बहुत ख़ुशी हुई...इस गीत में बहुत बड़ी टीम थी, और सबको ईश्वर ने बहुत सलीके से संभाला है, दीपश शुरू में बहुत चिंतित था मगर कई कई बार प्रक्टिस करने के बाद उसमें काफी जोश आ गया, और तारा ने भी हरमोनिस में उसका अच्छा साथ निभाया. कुहू ने लास्ट मिनट में एंट्री की है और देखिये अपने स्पनिश अलाप से कैसा जादू चलाया है...पर मेरी नज़र में जो इस गीत को एक लेवल ऊपर लेकर जाता है वो है इसका गिटार, अनूप ने जो एनर्जी इस गीत में फूंकी है वो लाजावाब है.... २०११ हमारा होगा, मुझे उम्मीद ही नहीं विश्वास है, इंडियन क्रिकेट टीम एक बार फिर इतिहास लिखेगी...come on India lets go....ये कप हमें दे दे ठाकुर :)
ईश्वर रविशंकर: An idea.. conceived... endeavored... now delivered...
The song started of from the brain-cells of AK Deepesh who came up with the thought of making a song to cheer the Indian Cricket Team for this World Cup. The very thought was vibrant and struck a chord with every one on our team.
We embarked on this project a month back when Sajeev Sarathie penned some fantastic lines off his mind. Sajeev speaking for this song was a masterstroke for us since Sajeev, a being cricket enthusiast himself was obviously thrilled at the thought amd did not just stop with passionate writing but also went out of his way to help us throughout the song.
Once the lyrics and the melody were in place, we started off with the groove design with Manoj at the helm. Needless to say, the amazing drummer that he is, he nailed it! With the basic framework now in place, we started off on arrangements & programming and from there on it was a process of evolution set in motion.
This was also the first time we got the chance to work with Kuhoo Gupta (thanks to Sajeev Bhaiya). Have always been a great fan of her singing and working with her was ever better than we had ever imagined. Versatility, speed and a thorough professional attitude describe her the best (not to mention amazingly cheery all the time). She finished off her portions in no time and proved to be such a value add to our team!
Tara Balakrishnan who has almost always been a part of our projects worked her magic in the very last minute with some breath-taking harmonies and super-expressive singing.
With Anup Menon - The Guitarist on the team, there could obviously be no dearth for energy. He played an active part in the song offering suggestions and improvisations most of which when incorporated improve the song.
I didn't have to go far in searching for the male lead, Deepesh being an amazing singer himself. Apart from singing the lead, Deepesh stayed up while making the song right from Day 1 and this song is as much his baby as mine.
Two people who stood by us no matter what deserve a special mention. Baba Vijay and Vinod Venugopal are not only the ones behind the video for the song and the teaser but also the right catalyst charging us up when the chips were down!
Balamurali Balu is another friend we would like to thank for his guidance throughout.
Last but not the least, we thank all our friends (active and passive) who have motivated us, kept us on our toes, criticized for improvements and helped us through out the promotions from the day the teaser was out!
Jeet Ka Junoon required a junoon of our own since we did have a lot of hurdles jump across (what with lack of a proper funding to execute a project so ambitious, etc) but it finally proved to worth all our efforts.
We sure had a blast working together and hope you will too, when you listen!
सजीव सारथी: मैं कुछ ऐसा करना चाहता था इस वर्ल्ड कप के लिए पर जिन संगीतकारों के साथ जिद के साथ ऐसा गीत करने को कह सकता था, वो सब यहाँ वहाँ व्यस्त थे. तभी एक दिन ईश्वर का मेल आया, ईश्वर ने मेरे लिखे एक गीत की (मुरली वेंकट के लिए) की अर्रेंजमेंट की थी, जब ईश्वर ने कहा उसके एक मूल धुन पर गीत लिखना है तो मुझे लगा कि कोई दूसरे तरह का गीत होगा, पर जब अगली मेल में उसने लिखा कि ये गीत वर्ल्ड कप के लिए है तो मुझे बहुत ख़ुशी हुई...इस गीत में बहुत बड़ी टीम थी, और सबको ईश्वर ने बहुत सलीके से संभाला है, दीपश शुरू में बहुत चिंतित था मगर कई कई बार प्रक्टिस करने के बाद उसमें काफी जोश आ गया, और तारा ने भी हरमोनिस में उसका अच्छा साथ निभाया. कुहू ने लास्ट मिनट में एंट्री की है और देखिये अपने स्पनिश अलाप से कैसा जादू चलाया है...पर मेरी नज़र में जो इस गीत को एक लेवल ऊपर लेकर जाता है वो है इसका गिटार, अनूप ने जो एनर्जी इस गीत में फूंकी है वो लाजावाब है.... २०११ हमारा होगा, मुझे उम्मीद ही नहीं विश्वास है, इंडियन क्रिकेट टीम एक बार फिर इतिहास लिखेगी...come on India lets go....ये कप हमें दे दे ठाकुर :)
Kuhoo - Singer (Pune)
Kuhoo, as her name implies, is gifted with a melliflous voice. The rich tonal quality captivates the listener instantly and everytime. She began singing at the tender age of 5. Her formal education in music started at the age of 11 when she started training in Hindustani Classical Vocals. This was to be the beginning of a journey for her as she improved her singing every passing day. She won many national level prizes in singing. Equally competent in academics, Kuhoo studied in IIT Mumbai and completed her M. Tech from Computer Science department.
Anup Menon - Guitars (Paris)
An elite academic whose passions are rock, heavy metal and the likes apart from his precious books, Anup is an ultra-dynamic guitarist. Creative and spontaneous, his energy is infectious!
सजीव सारथी
हिन्द-युग्म के 'आवाज़' मंच के प्रधान संपादक सजीव सारथी हिन्द-युग्म के वरिष्ठतम गीतकार हैं। हिन्द-युग्म पर इंटरनेटीय जुगलबंदी से संगीतबद्ध गीत निर्माण का बीज सजीव ने ही डाला है, जो इन्हीं के बागवानी में लगातार फल-फूल रहा है। कविहृदयी सजीव की कविताएँ हिन्द-युग्म के बहुचर्चित कविता-संग्रह 'सम्भावना डॉट कॉम' में संकलित है। सजीव के निर्देशन में ही हिन्द-युग्म ने 3 फरवरी 2008 को अपना पहला संगीतमय एल्बम 'पहला सुर' ज़ारी किया जिसमें 6 गीत सजीव सारथी द्वारा लिखित थे। पूरी प्रोफाइल यहाँ देखें।
Tara Balakrishnan - Female Vocals (Houston)
Fabulous singer with a blessed voice and amazing creativity Tara can sing any genre with unbelievable ease and grace. A highly competent singer with 10 years of carnatic training, she has even sung in a Tamil movie.
Based out of Houston, SAP Consultant.
AK Deepesh - Male Vocals (Cochin)
A highly positive person with a dynamic & contemporary voice, Deepesh is a highly promising singer who is sure to rock the industry very soon.
Manoj Krishnan - Groove Design (California)
A sudden turn around during high school caused Manoj to get suddenly interested in music. There has been no looking back ever since. He rocked his college with his formidable drumkit and is now actively into programming and other aspects of music as well.
Eshwar Ravishankar - Composition and Arrangement (Chennai)
An aspiring management student by day and a musician by night, Eshwar is ever passionate about every job he undertakes. He is into composing jingles for ads/corporate videos and the likes under the brand name Sonus Unbound.

Anup Menon - Guitars (Paris)

सजीव सारथी
Tara Balakrishnan - Female Vocals (Houston)

Based out of Houston, SAP Consultant.
AK Deepesh - Male Vocals (Cochin)

Manoj Krishnan - Groove Design (California)

Eshwar Ravishankar - Composition and Arrangement (Chennai)

Song - Jeet Ka Junoon
Vocals - AK Deepesh, Tara Balakrishnan, Kuhoo
Groove Design - Manoj Krishnan
Guitars - Anup Menon
Composition and Arrangement - Eshwar Ravishankar
Lyrics - Sajeev Sarathie
Graphics - Prashen's media
All rights reserved with the artists and Hind Yugm
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एक और उपलब्धी हिंद-युग्म की। बधाई!!!
बहुत बहुत बधाई..........सभी को शुभकामनाएं
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